Mayaa SH | "I Only Speak Titanium"

Known as the Lady Gandhi of 21st century, Mayaa SH speaks on her understanding of Courage in Life and How Women Need to be Empowered to take Bold Stands in Life.

Courage is such a power within a person that can change the world, which can make us different, most special in the world because courage is power and courage is life, if you have not worked with courage in your life or then if you do not act with courage, then you may not be able to save much in your life and you may not get what you want. The first hallmark of a courageous person is that he or she does not care about what the spectators think of him or her. The person who lives by ignoring public opinion is the real power of the world and humanity also gets its light from that person. It is the job of an ordinary creature to walk looking around the neighbourhood. The visionaries do not compare their aim with that of the neighbour, nor do they dilute their move by seeing the move of the neighbour.

Prosperity related successes are also available to the clever, hardworking and resourceful people, but that progress which can make the personality cultured and result in the field of deeds, is available only to those who are deeply loyal to the principles and ideals. The word self-belief is sometimes used in many contexts, but in reality, it should be used only to give an introduction to being loyal to beliefs and harbouring courage within oneself. Only those who do hard work are called courageous. True courage lies in adopting the customs which the common people do not agree to adopt for fear of loss or lack of cooperation and fear of being judged.

Courage has its own importance. Tolerance power is different in every human being. The personality of a person depends on his or her resilience. The more the strength of tolerance increases in him or her, the more his or her personality will become brighter. Patience will develop in that person. Such a person can easily accomplish his or her work even in difficult situation. Courage is that quality by which a person can touch the top of success. This quality gives success to our spiritual power. It is a factor of character sophistication. When tolerance and courtesy are combined with courage, then that person becomes unique, that is, it is very necessary to be courageous in life for defining something that is unique in a person. When the It generates a new light in the life of a person steering clear all the turbulence from within. It is clear that tolerance and courage has that power, which can make a person’s life bright. One of the most important things in life is believing that courage can combat fear. It has been considered more essential for progress and success than body power, morale, money and power. People of fearful nature, cowardly, fearful, apprehensive, remain in a state of confusion even when there is an opportunity and spend such days doing the rest of the gains and losses. Sometimes one will have the courage to take one step forward, and at the next moment one will know to take two steps back. Whereas courageous people move forward confidently, push the boat across the whirlpool from this side to the other side. 

Famous Mahabharata character Arjuna’s vision should be there on the eye of the fish. Wandering here and there, setting foot on the target’s five boats has no choice but to drown. Some people do the work, but the ghosts of obstacles extinguish the flame of their goal; slows down their speed. Fearing obstacles, they change their course. But those who move forward planting their limbs on the chest of obstacles, their victory is certain. The mere essence of Courage is Self-Belief and the fact that fear can never be victorious in the longer run. Continuous steps towards your goal – Continuous practice is the second formula for success. A successful mind works like a drill by being focused on a single point. Failures are the pillars of success.

Courage is not needed only in the battlefield. Our achievements, happiness and unhappiness are woven around our courage. Without courage and strong willpower, the desire to lead a meaningful life becomes unfounded. Courage is also peace of mind and support of humanity. But have you ever seen the courage within you? Does courage never leave you in a small obstacle? Stop making everyone happy and leading a life to please others in co-dependent energy field. You are right, but others misunderstand. They try to clarify themselves by being unhappy or else the ego gets ready to fight. It is also courage to keep yourself calm for some time. ‘What others think of you is their opinion. Don’t let anyone define you or make you feel inferior. The tendency to please everyone makes us dependent on getting the consent of others on everything.

Someone has said that courage is not the absence of fear, it is a decision made by you that there is something else, which is more important than your fear. Don’t let your doubts, fears and failures overwhelm you. Don’t be afraid to act. make plans. Change is not possible without taking steps. Understand your interests, values, thoughts and dreams. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Learn to be calm if you don’t understand something, take someone’s advice. Listen to others too. Instead of sadness and anger, choose the path that leads to empathy and compassion. Don’t compare with others. Winston S. Churchill says, “No victory is final and defeat is not the end.” Courage is the continuation of this sequence.

Many programs like Mother's Day, International Women's Day etc. are being run by the government to create awareness in the society about the importance and rights of women in the development of the nation. Women need development in many areas.In India, to empower women, first of all it is necessary to kill all those demonic thoughts in the society which kill their rights and values, like – dowry system, illiteracy, sexual violence, inequality, feticide, domestic violence against women, Prostitution, human trafficking and other such topics.

The nature of Mayaa SH's vision of creating a non judgemental environment specially for women through her massive reach and talks is in the direct line of fire of many naysayers of the patriarchal beliefs. The sex traffickers often resorting to threats and violence. Mayaa a target for those who seek to still maintain the orthodox opinion that women cannot lead the change has despite facing numerous threats, Mayaa remains undeterred in her mission to bring justice to the victims and dismantle the networks that perpetuate and encourage women to be driven to suicide.

Titanium is as strong as steel but much less dense. It is therefore important as an alloying agent with many metals including aluminium, molybdenum and iron because of their low density and ability to withstand extremes of temperature. Similarly, Mayaa always states that" It is challenges in life that evolve us and make us more triumphant in all our endeavours no matter how pressured any situation or circumstance is in life. How we blend and remain adaptable just like saccharine in a cup of tea, essays out story of life in the most altruistic sense."

About The Author 

Mayaa SH is a Championer of Women’s Rights, Authoress, Public Intellectual, and a former corporate juggernaut, Mayaa SH is a recognised crusader on Indian’s contemporary verve of economics, freedom of the press, gender neutrality and human rights, Mayaa has authored nine bestselling works essayed as self help books and co-authored more than one hundred fifty books. She is a multi National and State Award Winner and has numerous accolades that have won her global recognition as well. Her power of self belief has helped many across the country to rediscover and reignite with themselves. This has institutionalised her infinite belief in “The Power Of A Determined Mind” and helped provide respite to many with her talks. Mayaa SH, is a literary luminary and is a fierce advocate for women's empowerment and positive feminism. Recognized by the United Nations, she challenges societal norms and addresses gender inequality. With over 150 anthologies and nine solo books to her credit, Mayaa SH envisions a society where women have equal rights, contributing to the nation's development. Her impactful contributions resonate globally, inspiring change.
Mayaa SH, a literary powerhouse and advocate for women’s empowerment, challenges societal norms through her bold narratives. Her writings, breaking stereotypes, echo gender inclusivity, earning global acclaim and multiple awards. Addressing women’s daily challenges and advocating for equal rights, she navigates stress and inspires hope through her self-help books, expertly discussing sensitive issues like suicide prevention. Mayaa’s direct storytelling, rooted in culture, deeply resonates, reflecting intimate human dilemmas. Her significance as a feminist icon lies in her fearless transgression of boundaries and her ability to voice the feminine perspective, making her an essential force in contemporary literature.
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